135: The Pagemaster

Why, hello there! Thank goodness we’re done with that really creepy October (unless you want one more spook, than join my comedy group Cineprov is riffing over the movie Gargoyles (1972) at the Plaza theater on 11/2! THE DAY THIS DROPS). So this November, we decided to go with a little bit more family-friendly theme. We picked a handful of films that I, in particular, saw as a kid. All of these make me think of my brothers and family. We watched them together or they were always on. With that, we begin with a real train wreck.

This week on Myopia: Defend Your Childhood, we learn that Macaulay Culkin and Christopher Lloyd made bad movies. (I know what you are thinking, but this is where I learned this). We watched The Pagemaster (1994), how would you like to curl up with a good book?

Please, rate and review us on iTunes!Stitcher! or Podbean! Five stars helps a lot! And if you are a fan of history, we just wrapped on season one of check out my history podcast with Alex CummingsDoomed to Repeat with an episode on Sanctuary Cities; available where ever you get your podcasts!