186: Speed 2: Cruise Control

How do you end up with a classic like Speed 2? Well first you need a classic, like Speed. Ah, the movie making process. First, you get a script together, match it with producers with the vision, who find directors who see that vision, cinematographers who can bring the vision to celluloid, actors who fulfill that vision, and the music and effects that bring it to life.

Ah, the sequel making process. First, the director (now also the producer), gets a script, then has a dream that causes him to throw out the original script and rewrite it. This causes the big star of the movie to leave (causing the movie studio to make up a lie involving the actor’s band).  Then proceed to add a subplot about a deaf girl (14) in love with the new male lead (to make him seem less like a robot), show the female lead watching Lolita to nail subtext, add leeches and Willem Dafoe, give it a catchy subtitle, like “The Boat that Couldn’t Slow Down,” or “Cruise Control,” and pow! You’ve got a movie!

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How will Speed 2 stand when we put it on trial?

Host: Nicolas
Defendant: Nicolas
Panel: Matthew, Daniel