249: Blade Trinity
This spooky month, we are watching only Vampire films starting with this one! This week on Myopia Movies was saw Blade Trinity, a movie so boring we had to watch it twice because everyone fell asleep watching it.
Welcome to Season 7 of Myopia Movies!
Join the Patreon! There are tiers to that will help us keep doing what we are doing! (Each tier unlocks all lower tiers)For $1: You get the monthly newsletter that announces the upcoming movies and you get Mission Briefing Back Catalog.
For $3: You get the entire back catalog and a new Mission Briefing every other month. (There are already two up!)
For $5: You get a bonus episode a month (on top of the Mission Briefing) (We just did all the Alien Movies)
For $10: You get syncable commentary tracks. We have up riffs by Cineprov including Plan 9 from Outer Space, The Wasp Woman, and Batman Forever. We have a Myopia Commentary on Star Wars – Episode II: Attack of the Clone. Note: This is audio you sync with the movie.
For $50: You get to pick a movie we cover. (Note: This tier is limited).
Also, because you love us, find us everywhere! Like Facebook! Or the Facebook Fan Group! Or Twitter! Or Letterboxd! Or the Fancy Website! We are also available wherever you are too! Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn and Alexa, Podbean, Listen Notes, YouTube, everywhere! Coming soon to Pandora, iHeartRadio, and Deezer.How will Blade Trinity hold up?
Host: Nic
Panel: Daniel, Charlie, and Nur… Read the rest
250: Catwoman
Hey all! Welcome to episode 250, woooooooooooooooooooooo! woo! According to Chartable, in the past year, we have charted in nearly three dozen countries. According to our downloads, tens of thousands of you are listening. We have a Patreon with patrons. Thanks! To celebrate, we watched Esquire Magazine’s 2008 Sexiest Woman Alive eat tuna from a can and lick cream from a Collins glass. We watched Catwoman, oh, I have wasted my life.
Welcome to Season 7 of Myopia Movies!
Join the Patreon! There are tiers to that will help us keep doing what we are doing! (Each tier unlocks all lower tiers)
For $1: You get the monthly newsletter that announces the upcoming movies and you get Mission Briefing Back Catalog.
For $3: You get the entire back catalog and a new Mission Briefing every other month. (There are already two up!)
For $5: You get a bonus episode a month (on top of the Mission Briefing) (We just did all the Alien Movies)
For $10: You get syncable commentary tracks. The first one will come out next month and will be Star Wars – Episode II: Attack of the Clone. Note: This is audio you sync with the movie.
For $50: You get to pick a movie we cover. (Note: This tier is limited).
Also, because you love us, find us everywhere! Like Facebook! Or the Facebook Fan Group! Or Twitter! Or Letterboxd! Or the Fancy Website! We are also available wherever you are too! Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn and Alexa, Podbean, Listen Notes, YouTube, everywhere! Coming soon to Pandora, iHeartRadio, and Deezer.
How will Catwoman hold up?
Host: Nic
Panel: Daniel, Jeremy, and Matthew… Read the rest
247: Beer Fest
This week on Myopia Movies, we celebrate the beginning of Fall the only way we know how, with a festival. We watched Beer Fest, in real life, the Canadians win this….weird.
Welcome to Season 7 of Myopia Movies! To start with, we have fully switched over the name, no one needs to defend their past anymore, the world is already too weird. Second, we are returning to weekly! For now just your regular weekly episodes, right? WRONG!
Join the Patreon! There are tiers to that will help us keep doing what we are doing! (Each tier unlocks all lower tiers)
For $1: You get the monthly newsletter that announces the upcoming movies and you get Mission Briefing Back Catalog.
For $3: You get the entire back catalog and a new Mission Briefing every other month. (There are already two up!)
For $5: You get a bonus episode a month (on top of the Mission Briefing) (We just did all the Alien Movies)
For $10: You get syncable commentary tracks. The first one will come out next month and will be Star Wars – Episode II: Attack of the Clone. Note: This is audio you sync with the movie.
For $50: You get to pick a movie we cover. (Note: This tier is limited).
Also, because you love us, find us everywhere! Like Facebook! Or the Facebook Fan Group! Or Twitter! Or Letterboxd! Or the Fancy Website! We are also available wherever you are too! Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn and Alexa, Podbean, Listen Notes, YouTube, everywhere! Coming soon to Pandora, iHeartRadio, and Deezer.
How will Beer Fest hold up?
Host: Nic
Panel: Bobby, Daniel, and Jon… Read the rest
245: Angels in the Outfield
This week on Myopia Movies, we learn Christopher Lloyd is as magical as we all knew he was. We watched Angels in the Outfield (1994), who’d have thought Tony Danza’s career only had months left at the time.
Welcome to Season 7 of Myopia Movies! To start with, we have fully switched over the name, no one needs to defend their past anymore, the world is already too weird. Second, we are returning to weekly! For now just your regular weekly episodes, right? WRONG!
Join the Patreon! There are tiers to that will help us keep doing what we are doing! (Each tier unlocks all lower tiers)
For $1: You get the monthly newsletter that announces the upcoming movies and you get Mission Briefing Back Catalog.
For $3: You get the entire back catalog and a new Mission Briefing every other month. (There are already two up!)
For $5: You get a bonus episode a month (on top of the Mission Briefing) (We just did all the Alien Movies)
For $10: You get syncable commentary tracks. The first one will come out next month and will be Star Wars – Episode II: Attack of the Clone. Note: This is audio you sync with the movie.
For $50: You get to pick a movie we cover. (Note: This tier is limited).
Also, because you love us, find us everywhere! Like Facebook! Or the Facebook Fan Group! Or Twitter! Or Letterboxd! Or the Fancy Website! We are also available wherever you are too! Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn and Alexa, Podbean, Listen Notes, YouTube, everywhere! Coming soon to Pandora, iHeartRadio, and Deezer.
How will Angels in the Outfield hold up?
Host: Nic
Panel: Daniel, Nur and Matthew… Read the rest
244: Twister
This week on Myopia Movies, we learned about the ‘suck zone’ without fear of reprisal. We watched Twister, in this stormy season, is this too on the nose?
Welcome to Season 7 of Myopia Movies! To start with, we have fully switched over the name, no one needs to defend their past anymore, the world is already too weird. Second, we are returning to weekly! For now just your regular weekly episodes, right? WRONG!
Join the Patreon! There are tiers to that will help us keep doing what we are doing! (Each tier unlocks all lower tiers)
For $1: You get the monthly newsletter that announces the upcoming movies and you get Mission Briefing Back Catalog.
For $3: You get the entire back catalog and a new Mission Briefing every other month. (There are already two up!)
For $5: You get a bonus episode a month (on top of the Mission Briefing) (We just did all the Alien Movies)
For $10: You get syncable commentary tracks. The first one will come out next month and will be Star Wars – Episode II: Attack of the Clone. Note: This is audio you sync with the movie.
For $50: You get to pick a movie we cover. (Note: This tier is limited).
Also, because you love us, find us everywhere! Like Facebook! Or the Facebook Fan Group! Or Twitter! Or Letterboxd! Or the Fancy Website! We are also available wherever you are too! Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn and Alexa, Podbean, Listen Notes, YouTube, everywhere! Coming soon to Pandora, iHeartRadio, and Deezer.
How will Twister hold up?
Host: Nic
Panel: Daniel, Nur and Matthew… Read the rest
243: The Thomas Crown Affair Patreon Preview
This week on Mission Briefing, we thought we were going to watch a crime thriller, whoops. We saw the Thomas Crown Affair!
Welcome to Season 7 of Myopia Movies! To start with, we have fully switched over the name, no one needs to defend their past anymore, the world is already too weird. Second, we are returning to weekly!
Also, because you love us, find us everywhere! Like Facebook! Or the Facebook Fan Group! Or Twitter! Or Letterboxd! Or the Fancy Website! We are also available wherever you are too! Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn and Alexa, Podbean, Listen Notes, YouTube, everywhere! Coming soon to Pandora, iHeartRadio, and Deezer.
How will The Thomas Crown Affair hold up?
Host: Jon
Panel: Daniel, Nic… Read the rest
Star Wars Attack Of The Clones Commentary Sample
Hello! Take a watch of a sample of our first commentary track! This is not a Mystery Science Theater 3000 or Riff Trax style riff, more akin to a directors commentary track. As promised before CoVid, the first is on the only Prequel we have not covered, Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, frankly, I am a fan of sand.
If you want to see the whole thing, consider joining the patreon at the $10 level for four commentaries a year!
Host: Nic
Panel: Evan and Daniel
https://patreon.com/myopia… Read the rest -
242: 2012 (Roland Emmerich)
This week on Myopia Movies, the world gets destroyed by some CGI! We saw 2012, John Cusack action hero? Sure, why not.
Welcome to Season 7 of Myopia Movies! To start with, we have fully switched over the name, no one needs to defend their past anymore, the world is already too weird. Second, we are returning to weekly! For now just your regular weekly episodes, right? WRONG!
Join the Patreon! There are tiers to that will help us keep doing what we are doing! (Each tier unlocks all lower tiers)
For $1: You get the monthly newsletter that announces the upcoming movies and you get Mission Briefing Back Catalog.
For $3: You get the entire back catalog and a new Mission Briefing every other month. (There are already two up!)
For $5: You get a bonus episode a month (on top of the Mission Briefing) (We just did all the Alien Movies)
For $10: You get syncable commentary tracks. The first one will come out next month and will be Star Wars – Episode II: Attack of the Clone. Note: This is audio you sync with the movie.
For $50: You get to pick a movie we cover. (Note: This tier is limited).
Also, because you love us, find us everywhere! Like Facebook! Or the Facebook Fan Group! Or Twitter! Or Letterboxd! Or the Fancy Website! We are also available wherever you are too! Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn and Alexa, Podbean, Listen Notes, YouTube, everywhere! Coming soon to Pandora, iHeartRadio, and Deezer.
How will 2012 hold up?
Host: Nic
Panel: Daniel, Jeremy and Matthew… Read the rest
241: Terminator 3
This week on Myopia Movies, we bomb the universe! We saw Terminator 3, the movie progressive enough to call its female villain the Terminatrix.
Welcome to Season 7 of Myopia Movies! To start with, we have fully switched over the name, no one needs to defend their past anymore, the world is already too weird. Second, we are returning to weekly! No more quarantine side project as we finished the Twilight Zone Zone on Monday. For now just your regular weekly episodes, right? WRONG!
Join the Patreon! There are tiers to that will help us keep doing what we are doing! (Each tier unlocks all lower tiers)
For $1: You get the monthly newsletter that announces the upcoming movies and you get Mission Briefing Back Catalog.
For $3: You get the entire back catalog and a new Mission Briefing every other month. (There are already two up!)
For $5: You get a bonus episode a month (on top of the Mission Briefing) (We just did all the Alien Movies)
For $10: You get syncable commentary tracks. The first one will come out next month and will be Star Wars – Episode II: Attack of the Clone. Note: This is audio you sync with the movie.
For $50: You get to pick a movie we cover. (Note: This tier is limited).
Also, because you love us, find us everywhere! Like Facebook! Or the Facebook Fan Group! Or Twitter! Or Letterboxd! Or the Fancy Website! We are also available wherever you are too! Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn and Alexa, Podbean, Listen Notes, YouTube, everywhere! Coming soon to Pandora, iHeartRadio, and Deezer.
How will Terminator 3 hold up?
Host: Nic
Panel: Daniel, Jeremy and Matthew… Read the rest
240: Jason X
This week on Myopia Movies, it is Thursday the 13th, so we are watching something that is almost a Friday the 13th Movie, we saw Jason X! You know the one were Kane Hodder boldly plays TWO characters, Jason Voorhees / Uber Jason.
Welcome to Season 7 of Myopia Movies! To start with, we have fully switched over the name, no one needs to defend their past anymore, the world is already too weird. Second, we are returning to weekly! No more quarantine side project as we finished the Twilight Zone Zone on Monday. For now just your regular weekly episodes, right? WRONG!
Join the Patreon! There are tiers to that will help us keep doing what we are doing! (Each tier unlocks all lower tiers)
For $1: You get the monthly newsletter that announces the upcoming movies and you get Mission Briefing Back Catalog.
For $3: You get the entire back catalog and a new Mission Briefing every other month. (There are already two up!)
For $5: You get a bonus episode a month (on top of the Mission Briefing) (We just did all the Alien Movies)
For $10: You get syncable commentary tracks. The first one will come out next month and will be Star Wars – Episode II: Attack of the Clone. Note: This is audio you sync with the movie.
For $50: You get to pick a movie we cover. (Note: This tier is limited).
Also, because you love us, find us everywhere! Like Facebook! Or the Facebook Fan Group! Or Twitter! Or Letterboxd! Or the Fancy Website! We are also available wherever you are too! Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn and Alexa, Podbean, Listen Notes, YouTube, everywhere! Coming soon to Pandora, iHeartRadio, and Deezer.
How will Jason X hold up?
Host: Nic
Panel: Daniel, Jeremy and Matthew… Read the rest