191: Pirates of Silicon Valley
This week on Myopia: Defend Your Childhood, we forgot about Valentine’s Day and while we hide from significant others, here is a movie! Before the think pieces starring Michael Fassbender, Ashton Kutcher, and Justin Long, there was a movie about how Steve Jobs was an asshole and it was on TV! We watched the Pirates of Silicon Valley, the Linux story was never this sexy!
Today is your last day to recommend a movie for Public Defender Month! Please DM, Email (myopiapodcast@gmail.com), or call and leave a VM @ (770)835-5578 and tell us the movies you would defend (or at least hear us try to explain).
Please continue to rate and review us! We are on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and now Spotify and could use the support; the more ratings you give the easier it is for others to find us. Also, do you follow us elsewhere? Facebook? Instagram? Twitter? Myopia? Also, for those of you who are truly film folks, I have created a Letterboxd page! Check out what episodes we have done here!
Thanks to those of you who came out to Road House! Up next month is Hanger 18! (Yeah, I don’t know it either). Interested in stroking my ego and seeing me live? Well, I am a member of Cineprov (or on Facebook), we riff movies like MST3K (which one of our members wrote for on Netflix) or Rifftrax. Recently, we have riffed Gamera: The Invicible, WarGames, Halloween VI: The Curse of Michael Myers, Troll 2, Rocky IV, and The Year without Santa Claus (see full list since the return in 2017 here). We perform at the Plaza Theater in Atlanta, the first Thursday of the month.
We are a proud member of the ESO Network! Please join the ESO Patreon!
How will Pirates of Silicon Valley stand when we put it on trial?
Host: Nic
Defendant: Nic
Panel: Charlie, Daniel and Matthew… Read the rest -
190: Merlin
This week on Myopia: Defend Your Childhood, we start our month watching TV with Sam Neill in the Cliff’s Notes version of a classic tale Jurassic Park, I mean Merlin (1998 – The Made For TV Mini-Series). Helena Botham Carter could never play, say a banker, could she…..
Hello friends! From now until Valentine’s Day, we are taking requests for movies for an upcoming Public Defender Month! Please DM, Email (myopiapodcast@gmail.com), or call and leave a VM @ (770)835-5578 and tell us the movies you would defend (or at least hear us try to explain).
Was there a disappointing sequel, precocious kid movie, Muppet, Monster, or Miscellaneous movie we missed? Let us know! This time we put your past on trial!
Please continue to rate and review us! We are on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and now Spotify and could use the support; the more ratings you give the easier it is for others to find us. Also, do you follow us elsewhere? Facebook? Instagram? Twitter? Myopia? Also, for those of you who are truly film folks, I have created a Letterboxd page! Check out what episodes we have done here!
Interested in stroking my ego and seeing me live? Well, I am a member of Cineprov (or on Facebook), we riff movies like MST3K (which one of our members wrote for on Netflix) or Rifftrax. Recently, we have riffed Gamera: The Invincible, WarGames, Halloween VI: The Curse of Michael Myers, Troll 2, Rocky IV, and The Year without Santa Claus (see full list since the return in 2017 here). We perform at the Plaza Theater in Atlanta, the first Thursday of the month. February 7th, come see us as we riff on Road House!
We are a proud member of the ESO Network! Please join the ESO Patreon!
How will Merlin stand when we put it on trial?
Host: Nicolas
Defendant: Thomas
Panel: Matt and Daniel… Read the rest -
189: Matrix Revolutions
The week on Myopia: Defend Your Childhood, we ‘celebrate’ 200 movies by watching Matrix Revolutions! Not the one you are thinking of, there is no space orgy rave, Neo is stuck in a subway station for 20 minutes (then disappears for most of the movie) the Oracle is recast, and Morpheus doesn’t matter! Wooo! Don’t worry we have a doozy planned for the 200th movie.
Please continue to rate and review us! We are on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and now Spotify and could use the support; the more ratings you give the easier it is for others to find us. Also, do you follow us elsewhere? Facebook? Instagram? Twitter? Myopia? Also, for those of you who are truly film folks, I have created a Letterboxd page! Check out what episodes we have done here!
Interested in stroking my ego and seeing me live? Well, I am a member of Cineprov (or on Facebook), we riff movies like MST3K (which one of our members wrote for on Netflix) or Rifftrax. Recently, we have riffed Gamera: The Invincible, WarGames, Halloween VI: The Curse of Michael Myers, Troll 2, Rocky IV, and The Year without Santa Claus (see full list since the return in 2017 here). We perform at the Plaza Theater in Atlanta, the first Thursday of the month. February 7th, come see us as we riff on Road House!
We are a proud member of the ESO Network! Please join the ESO Patreon!
How will Matrix Revolutions stand when we put it on trial?
Host: Nic
Panel: Daniel and Matthew… Read the rest -
188: Scorpion King
This week on Myopia: Defend Your Childhood, we learn why they stopped calling this movie “The Mummy III.” We watched The Scorpion King! In which Daniel convinces me that the Rock is not always the charismatic heroic hunk I thought he was, what can I say except you’re welcome.
Please continue to rate and review us! We are on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and now Spotify and could use the support; the more ratings you give the easier it is for others to find us. Also, do you follow us elsewhere? Facebook? Instagram? Twitter? Myopia? Also, for those of you who are truly film folks, I have created a Letterboxd page! Check out what episodes we have done here!
Interested in stroking my ego and seeing me live? Well, I am a member of Cineprov (or on Facebook), we riff movies like MST3K (which one of our members wrote for on Netflix) or Rifftrax. Recently, we have riffed Gamera: The Invicible, WarGames, Halloween VI: The Curse of Michael Myers, Troll 2, Rocky IV, and The Year without Santa Claus (see full list since the return in 2017 here). We perform at the Plaza Theater in Atlanta, the first Thursday of the month. Februrary 7th, come see us as we riff on Road House!
We are a proud member of the ESO Network! Please join the ESO Patreon!
How will Scorpion King stand when we put it on trial?
Host: Nic
Panel: Daniel and Matthew… Read the rest -
187: Star Wars – Episode 3 – Revenge of the Sith
This week on Myopia: Defend Your Childhood, Matt yells “Noooooooooooo!” for 20 minutes. We watched Star Wars – Episode 3 – Revenge of the Sith, I guess this is the good one, maybe? I mean, it was the chosen one…..
Please continue to rate and review us! We are on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and now Spotify and could use the support; the more ratings you give the easier it is for others to find us. Also, do you follow us elsewhere? Facebook? Instagram? Twitter? Myopia? Also, for those of you who are truly film folks, I have created a Letterboxd page! Check out what episodes we have done here!
Interested in stroking my ego and seeing me live? Well, I am a member of Cineprov (or on Facebook), we riff movies like MST3K (which one of our members wrote for on Netflix) or Rifftrax. Recently, we have riffed Gamera: The Invicible, WarGames, Halloween VI: The Curse of Michael Myers, Troll 2, Rocky IV, and The Year without Santa Claus (see full list since the return in 2017 here). We perform at the Plaza Theater in Atlanta, the first Thursday of the month. Februrary 7th, come see us as we riff on Road House!
We are a proud member of the ESO Network! Please join the ESO Patreon!
How will Star Wars – Episode 3 – Revenge of the Sith stand when we put it on trial?
Host: Nicolas
Defendant: Nicolas
Panel: Matthew, Daniel, Kelsey… Read the rest -
186: Speed 2: Cruise Control
How do you end up with a classic like Speed 2? Well first you need a classic, like Speed. Ah, the movie making process. First, you get a script together, match it with producers with the vision, who find directors who see that vision, cinematographers who can bring the vision to celluloid, actors who fulfill that vision, and the music and effects that bring it to life.
Ah, the sequel making process. First, the director (now also the producer), gets a script, then has a dream that causes him to throw out the original script and rewrite it. This causes the big star of the movie to leave (causing the movie studio to make up a lie involving the actor’s band). Then proceed to add a subplot about a deaf girl (14) in love with the new male lead (to make him seem less like a robot), show the female lead watching Lolita to nail subtext, add leeches and Willem Dafoe, give it a catchy subtitle, like “The Boat that Couldn’t Slow Down,” or “Cruise Control,” and pow! You’ve got a movie!
Please continue to rate and review us! We are on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and now Spotify and could use the support; the more ratings you give the easier it is for others to find us. Also, do you follow us elsewhere? Facebook? Instagram? Twitter? Myopia?
We are a proud member of the ESO Network! Please join the ESO Patreon!
How will Speed 2 stand when we put it on trial?
Host: Nicolas
Defendant: Nicolas
Panel: Matthew, Daniel… Read the rest -
185: Blues Brothers 2000
Welcome to 2019 everyone! First of all, thanks for listening to a podcast entitled ‘Blues Brothers 2000,’ it was hard on us to watch it. Our infinite love and appreciation to you and yours in this new year. Further, we would like to thank you for your continued support this year with the podcast. We grew in leaps and bounds this year and there are exciting things to come! How do we start the year off? With movie sequels that disappointed us! What fun? I mean, what fun!
Remember that musical comedy from the 80s? It was a two-hander with a great comedy team with one more stoic than the last, with great musical guests and a mission from God? Well, what if 18 years later, we made a sequel with one of them dead, added a kid, and added magic? Sounds terrible right? Well, at least the soundtrack is good…
Please continue to rate and review us! We are on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and now Spotify and could use the support; the more ratings you give the easier it is for others to find us. Also, do you follow us elsewhere? Facebook? Instagram? Twitter? Myopia?
We are a proud member of the ESO Network! Please join the ESO Patreon!
How will Blues Brothers stand when we put it on trial?
Host: Nicolas
Defendant: Nicolas
Panel: Evan, Zach, Daniel -
Muppets with the Geekly Oddcast
This week we present an additional Bonus episode! Thomas (regular and Geekly Oddcast host) compare Kermit the Frog impressions and we round out his Muppet month with a discussion on the Muppets as an art form.
Please continue to rate and review us! We are on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and now Spotify and could use the support; the more ratings you give the easier it is for others to find us. Also, do you follow us elsewhere? Facebook? Instagram? Twitter? Myopia?
Thanks to all of those who voted to make Cineprov the People’s Choice for Best Comedy Show in Atlanta 2018! It has been one hell of a year and there is so much more to come! Between now and Spring Break we are riffing Santa Claus (versus the Devil), we ruin some childhood classic TV specials, Hercules in the Haunted World, and Road House. And that is just until February. Miss a month and miss a lot!
We are a proud member of the ESO Network! Please join the ESO Patreon!… Read the rest
184: The Muppet Christmas Carol
We post a little early to welcome you a our version of a Merry Christmas, a Michael Caine Musical! Join a self aware narrator and a movie I know so well, I didn’t need to rewatch it, though I did anyway. Because, I am a professional. We watched the Muppet Christmas Carol, So enjoy!
I want to thank you all for making 2018 the best year yet! After iTunes deleted over half my reviews, more of you stood up to be counted and I appreciate that! People came to say ‘hi’ at Cineprov, which is award winning now, for which I am also grateful. I keep doing this because you keep encouraging me and I love you for that!
Please continue to rate and review us! We are on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and now Spotify and could use the support; the more ratings you give the easier it is for others to find us. Also, do you follow us elsewhere? Facebook? Instagram? Twitter? Myopia?
We are a proud member of the ESO Network! Please join the ESO Patreon!
How will The Muppet Christmas Carol stand when we put it on trial?
Host: Nicolas
Defendant: Nicolas
Panel: Thomas, Daniel and Matthew… Read the rest
183: Labyrinth
This week on Myopia: Defend Your Childhood, a girl becomes a women, or falls in love with her new step dad, or is charmed by David Bowie. We watched Labyrinth, is your step brother REALLY worth it? I mean, that bulge though….
Please continue to rate and review us! We are on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and now Spotify and could use the support; the more ratings you give the easier it is for others to find us. Also, do you follow us elsewhere? Facebook? Instagram? Twitter? Myopia?
Thanks to all of those who voted to make Cineprov the People’s Choice for Best Comedy Show in Atlanta 2018! It has been one hell of a year and there is so much more to come! If you are listening the day it is released, we are performing today (12/20) and riffing over two Rankin/Bass classics, The Year Without Santa Claus and Santa Claus is Coming to Town!
We are a proud member of the ESO Network! Please join the ESO Patreon!
How will Labyrinth stand when we put it on trial?
Host: Nicolas
Defendant: Nicolas
Panel: Charlie, Daniel and Matthew… Read the rest